A Brief Introduction

Hello, and welcome to my blog!

My name is Freddie, I’m a 23 year old from Cambridge, England, and I (like everyone  else today it seems) am a travel enthusiast.

I decided to start this blog, documenting my journey through SE Asia in the hope that others might find it informative for their future travels. It also conveniently provides my ever worrisome parents the opportunity to track my movements and well-being whilst I backpack through countries almost 10,000 kilometres from home. 

This is in fact my fourth trip Asia having visited twice as a child and once again as a teenager. I have family both in the UK and Indonesia which has meant that I’ve had to to a fair bit of travelling in between, even spending as long as one year living in Jakarta between the ages of three and six. This is however a first for my girlfriend – of three years, who faces the frightening prospect of spending the next 48 months abroad with me. This blog will aim to document our travels together through Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, Indonesia, and finally the great “Down Under”.

I will be posting details of our experiences, both joint and individual, as well as my favourite pictures and locations from the regions I am visiting.

Please continue to read as I begin this adventure of a lifetime, and I hope you will not be disappointed.

Thanks, and happy reading!


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